A Day With No Plans is Perfect For Inner Exploration

Dear Friends,

It’s a beautiful, easy, gentle day I woke up to. The typical August rainy weather has been absent for the last couple of days after causing real problems earlier in the week. I went outdoors and took a long walk with Lila, our 12 1/2 year old dog. She and I are both slowing down, fortuitously I think, because it allows us to take in the gifts of Nature in our own way. She sniffs the ground and listens for intruder iguanas while I observe the flowers, birds and butterflies that gather in the spaces. Our walk contributes to our well-being. Enjoy going out today too.

Life in Atenas is quickly returning to “normal”. In the distance I can hear one of our neighbors practicing his drumming skills. Another is busy with hedge trimming. Sundays are days of rest, relaxation and joyous contemplation for me and today is no different. I am practicing discipline as I distance myself from the hopelessness and despair that threaten to overwhelm me if I consume a steady diet of bad news. I come across news outlets that include tidings that profile people and organizations dedicated to improving life and circumstances for others and succeeding.

I saw and greeted many acquaintances in the local supermarket yesterday. Living in a small town takes anonymity out of the shopping experience. There is always somebody to talk to, especially now that the masks are coming off and we can see each other smile again. The experience was made even more pleasant because the shelves were well-stocked and everyone seemed to be in an excellent mood. Recent positive coverage of Costa Rica has contributed to our popularity and I am happy for the entrepreneur opportunities that are becoming available for our residents.

Before Covid, I planned my months in advance with an agenda in hand most days. During Covid, everything stopped abruptly. Being restricted was a terrible burden at first because I was not used to it. After a while, downtime became a routine practice that resulted in awareness of all the elements of freedom I had previously taken for granted. I have learned to appreciate the difference between staying indoors because I can’t go out and having the luxury to not do so. The world is a fascinating place to be explored but equally fascinating is the inner exploration that a no-plans day affords.

Have a wonderful day of inner exploring and a terrific week, Marietta

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